United Open Arms

Supporting CSA/SA survivors with therapy funds and 

educating for safe spaces with care and compassion

 CSA/SA Education Resources

Welcome to the United Open Arms Education Resources Page

CSA and SA are difficult and sensitive topics and there are excellent websites available that approach the issues in a compassionate and professional manner. The goal of this section of our website is to be a stepping stone to the understanding, help, support, education, and training  other sources offer. Education and awareness of CSA/SA is an important step towards safety and prevention of abuse. 

The "educating for safe spaces" part of our mission simply means that United Open Arms is providing content and/or training via our website with publicly available links and resources that anyone can read confidentially and learn at their own pace and on their own time. We will organize educational CSA/SA resources that have already been created, in one place for people to access.

Understanding - "Pity stands and stares, compassion sees and serves."

Learn about the effects of child sexual abuse, the psychology of abusers, and how to respond to cases of child sexual abuse.

Help and Support - Help and support for those who are victims of abuse.

Links to professional websites with resources for victims and survivors. Hotlines and crisis centers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Education/Training - Sources for parents, children, and front line adults.

Professionally developed education and awareness training.